We would like to inform that SGH online lectures will start at e-sgh platform on February 17 or 24, 2025. Detailed information is available after logging at the specific course presentation sites.
We hope you will enjoy e-learning.
We would like to inform that SGH online lectures will start at e-sgh platform on February 17 or 24, 2025. Detailed information is available after logging at the specific course presentation sites.
We hope you will enjoy e-learning.
We would like to remind you, that SGH students are required to pass three obligatory e-learning trainings.
The e-workshops will be activated on 1st October 2025. To take the trainings, students should log into www.e-sgh.pl and make themselves acquainted with all the training materials and pass the obligatory tests.
Highly-enrolled fully online lectures and laboratory classes in Anatomy and Physiology, and higher-level Histology courses, were used to calculate R-squared values that could be linked to how the study method chosen by students impacted their exam grades. Student performance on major exams containing only T/F and multiple-choice questions exhibited better exam results, as did the R-squared values for those who studied using tiny quizzes at a slow pace rather than those who studied with them at a fast pace, indicating that learning was done using the flashcard method. There was a difference in grade distribution, with a peak in the A category for the slow pace quiz group, to a peak in the B category for the fast pace group.