We would like to inform that SGH online lectures will start at e-sgh platform in October 2022. Detailed information is available after logging at the specific course presentation sites.
We hope you will enjoy e-learning.
We would like to inform that SGH online lectures will start at e-sgh platform in October 2022. Detailed information is available after logging at the specific course presentation sites.
We hope you will enjoy e-learning.
We would like to remind you, that SGH students are required to pass three obligatory e-learning trainings.
The e-workshops will be activated on 1st October 2022. To take the trainings, students should log into www.e-sgh.pl and make themselves acquainted with all the training materials and pass the obligatory tests.
Writing a comprehensive Erasmus+ proposal is a complex process requiring careful planning, methodology and strategy to achieve the desired results, and it is crucial to closely follow the instructions of the European Commission and National Agencies (e.g. the Foundation for the Development of the Education System (FRSE), https://www.frse.org.pl, Poland, and The State Scholarship Foundation (IKY), https://www.iky.gr, Greece), paying careful attention to the annual changes in the online application guidelines.